Kevin Warnock

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Archive for the ‘University of California Davis’ tag

University of California at Davis Assistant Professor calls for Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi to resign

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UC Davis police officer pepper sprays student protesters, November 18, 2011. Photograph by Wayne Tilcock of The Davis Enterprise.

UC Davis police officer pepper sprays student protesters, November 18, 2011. Photograph by Wayne Tilcock of The Davis Enterprise.

I hope this letter doesn’t spell the end of Nathan Brown’s career and/or prevent him from being granted tenure.

Brown cites the November 18, 2011 pepper spraying of University of California at Davis students that had set up tents to protest as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Brown calls for Chancellor Katehi to immediately resign.  He doesn’t soften his words. He concludes:

“I call for your resignation because you are unfit to do your job. You are unfit to ensure the safety of students at UC Davis. In fact: you are the primary threat to the safety of students at UC Davis. As such, I call upon you to resign immediately.”

Yes, he called the Chancellor the primary threat to the safety of students at UC Davis.

I am proud of Nathan Brown, and I wish him well. I would take a class from him, for I suspect he’s an outstanding and conscientious educator. His friends, family and students should be proud.

Thank you to my friend Danae Sterental for bringing this powerful letter to my attention.

Written by Kevin Warnock

November 20th, 2011 at 5:00 am