Kevin Warnock

Entrepreneurship, ideas and more

Archive for the ‘Darrenn Herrmann’ tag

No more Bank of America deposit accounts

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SF Fire Credit Union logo

I first got a Bank of America checking account in 1989 when they offered a one day promotion of a no cost checking account for three years. Back then, free checking was not common, so I marked the date in my calendar and visited the 9th Avenue and Irving Street branch on the special day. I still have that calendar, which I recently reviewed since I’m typing my 1976 diary to post to this blog.

My wise filmmaker girlfriend I wrote about last week warned me that Bank of America was not a company I should be doing business with. Sadly, I ignored her advice and went on to endure over 20 years of mediocre and often frustrating interactions.

Today I closed the last of my deposit accounts with Bank of America. I moved my corporate checking account to San Francisco Fire Credit Union, which is the best financial institution I’ve ever dealt with.

As an example of how extraordinary this credit union is, consider that when I sent a message to Darren Herrmann, President and CEO, via a box on the front page of their website, Herrmann called me on the phone 15 minutes later to thank me for my message. Even though this is a small credit union, not a big bank, I was and remain impressed.

I am not and have never been a fire fighter. Anyone who works or lives in San Francisco is eligible to join.

Written by Kevin Warnock

August 16th, 2011 at 2:51 pm