Archive for the ‘Netherlands’ tag
I got a blue bicycle today in Amsterdam

Blue dutch bike. Photo by user ubrayj02. Licensed for commercial use under a Creative Commons license.
[This entry is from Wednesday, April 15, 1976 in handwritten diary. On March 12, 2013 I posted this to my blog and I added the bracketed language, including this comment, and also the photograph, which is recent, not from the 1970s. Thank you to Flickr user ubrayj02 for permission under a Creative Commons license to use the picture. I was 12 years old and in 7th grade when I wrote this journal entry. I typed this post as I wrote it, including the mistakes, so you can see how I wrote back then. Keep in mind this is my private diary, and I’m sure I could have written with fewer errors had I known I would be showing it to the world years later. On March 30, 1976 my family moved from Chicago, Illinois, USA to Amsterdam, The Netherlands for about four months. I wrote in my diary frequently during that time, and I plan to post all the entries to this blog. To my knowledge, we did not have an English dictionary with us in Amsterdam. The address of the house we lived in in Amsterdam was De Cuserstraat 19, Amsterdam, Buitenveldert, The Netherlands.]
I got my bike today. It’s blue, and second hand. I am washing it up. but it is hard work because it is very dirty. It has hand brakes that are very strong. It cost 120 guilders about 44 $. It works good. But the lighting system needs some work though. Today was the last day of school till vacation starts for easter. I wrote a letter to Michael Ruddat (my best friend) I will send it to him tomorrow or the next day.
I don’t know if I’ve ever said this before in thus diary but I have a new years resolution not to eat candy for a year this is my second year and I haven’t broken it yet!
We arrive at our house in Amsterdam

Modern photograph of Schiphol airport that serves Amsterdam. Photo by user AntwerpenR, commercial use permitted.
[This entry is from my 1976 handwritten diary. On November 19, 2011 I posted this to my blog and I added this bracketed language, the photograph and the hyperlinks. I was in 7th grade when I wrote this journal entry. I typed this post as I wrote it, including the mistakes, so you can see how I wrote back then. On March 30, 1976 my family moved from Chicago, Illinois, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands for about four months. I wrote in my diary frequently during that time, and I plan to post all the entries to this blog.]
This isn’t very important but I still wan’t to say it, “It’s April fools day” but since wer’re not in scoll, I didn’t notice it at all. Andy and I didn’t even prank any jokes on Andy!
Finaly, we are here in our house in Holland. Man, since tuesday, March 30th all the way till this afternoon, Yes, it took that long a time. first, (back at home, just when it’s time to go the cab we ordered came about 30 min. after we called, (but that doesn’t make any difference, because we were already 2 hours early, and had to wait.
When we finally get on the plane, at 9:45 or so, we find out that we have dinner a 12:00 midnight well we finally get of plane and get a cab to the train station we take a train from luxembourg to Amsterdam in 8 hours.
Then we find a cab and go to our house, It’s nice, I’ll tell you about it tomorrow.
I am moving today from Chicago to Amsterdam

Gígjökull, an outlet glacier extending from Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland. Photo by Andreas Tille, 2003.
[This entry is from my 1976 diary. On August 14, 2011 I posted this to my blog after I added the bracketed language and hyperlinks. I was in 7th grade when I wrote this journal entry. I typed this post as I wrote it, including the mistakes, so you can see how I wrote back then. On March 30, 1976 my immediate family moved from Chicago, Illinois, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands for about four months. I wrote in my diary frequently during that time, and I plan to post all the entries to this blog.]
We got off the ground (runway I mean at 10 minutes to 10pm.
Today is the big day. WE ARE GOING TO HOLLAND. I am writing this diary on the airplane, it’s a DC8! I don’t like it very much because it is so small. We left home at aprox 5:00 o’clock pm and we got on the plane at aprox 9:45pm. Before we got on the plane we had a little bit of food to eat, Andy and I split a hamburger. It wasn’t very much. We are supposed to have dinner on the plane, but that will be at aprox 11:45pm (a little late I think.) Even with taking time out for dinner we still had to wait an hour or so. But mom bought us some snoppy [Snoopy] books so the time went by fast reading those, (I finished more than half)
Well, I think I felt sort of big while I was carrying around all my camera equipment and my camera, I was sort of scared that my camera bag would set off the mettle detector, but, it didn’t.
At the moment I am sitting in the airplane writing (10:30pm) for the lady to bring the soda pop (she’s almost here)
We expect to be in Iceland at 3:15am and get to Holland some time tomorrow.