Archive for the ‘John Robison’ tag
Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum at Google, Inc. headquarters, October 27, 2011
Thursday October 27, 2011, I attended the first Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum ever held away from the University of California at Berkeley campus.
The Forum was held in Building 40 at Google, Inc. headquarters in Mountain View, California USA. Getting to the event was a challenge because Google was throwing a huge celebration for the Indian national holiday Diwali. As a result, parking was tight and there were hundreds of people in the huge courtyard between the massive Google buildings. I’m not complaining for it was festive and an adventure. I photographed the 6,000 burning candles artfully arranged in the courtyard, as you can see at the bottom of this post. There was a live band. The Google cafeteria was packed. It was exciting.
The Entrepreneurs Forum was a small event compared to the outdoor Diwali celebration.
The title of the Forum was ‘Power Hungry: Developments in Energy-Efficiency Technologies for Data Centers.’ This was an appropriate event to have at Google, which I suspect runs the largest collection of computers in the world.
I learned a lot at this forum. For example, computer rooms that are chilly are computer rooms that are horribly inefficient. Modern servers can run fine at temperatures around 85F degrees, and sometimes even warmer. Here’s the official video, immediately above.

Dale Sartor, John Robison and Joyce Dickerson on panel at Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum, October 27, 2011

Dale Sartor, P.E., Applications Team - Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum, October 27, 2011

Joyce Dickerson, Sustainable IT at Stanford University, at Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum, October 27, 2011

Sylvia Burks, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, at Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum, October 27, 2011

Diwali Festival of Lights with 6,000 candles at Google, Inc. headquarters in Mountain View, California, October 27, 2011. Photograph by Kevin Warnock.
[Note: I received a free pass to this event courtesy of my membership on the Advisory Council for the Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum. I am writing here as a private citizen, not in any official capacity with UC Berkeley or the Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum.]