Archive for the ‘Bert Kaufmann’ tag
My first story may be published in the newspaper at my school

Night scene in Essen, Groningen, The Netherlands by Flickr user Bert Kaufmann, August 16, 2009. Published under a Creative Commons license that permits commercial use.
[This entry is from my 1976 handwritten diary. On October 26, 2012 I posted this to my blog and I added the bracketed language, including this comment, and also the photograph, which is recent, not from the 1970s. Thank you to Flickr user Bert Kaufmann for permission via a Creative Commons license to use the picture. I was in 7th grade when I wrote this journal entry. I typed this post as I wrote it, including the mistakes, so you can see how I wrote back then. Keep in mind this is my private diary, and I’m sure I could have written with fewer errors had I known I would be showing it to the world years later. On March 30, 1976 my family moved from Chicago, Illinois, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands for about four months. I wrote in my diary frequently during that time, and I plan to post all the entries to this blog. To my knowledge, we did not have an English dictionary with us in Amsterdam.]
Today [Monday] was sort of a boring day nothing exciting happened. I went to school. One sort of exciting thing happened at school. I wrote a paper about the 2 boys [that were part of the Dutch family my family and I lived with during our stay in Amsterdam], I showed it to the teacher and he made me copy it over to put it in the school newspaper
I forgot to say yesterday was palm sunday. but we didn’t go to church or anything.
I finished the book the ‘baterdays’ that have have been reading, it was good.
One sort of stupid thing I did today was say that I miss my clarinet, I even cried.
Dad went to groninhen today.