Kevin Warnock

Entrepreneurship, ideas and more

Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Olivia Lott is born

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My friends Shelley Leatherman and Jonathan Lott welcomed their first child into the world today, Olivia Lott. Olivia was born around 6 pm at Kaiser hospital in San Jose, California. My wife and I attended Shelley and Jonathan’s marriage in 2007. My wife and I will always be able to remember Olivia’s birthday because today is the first anniversary of our own marriage. Instead of having dinner together, we went to see the new baby in the hospital.

I shot this video on October 3rd, at the home of Jon and Shelley.

Written by kevinwarnock

September 28th, 2009 at 11:56 pm

Posted in Family,Home

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Family reunion in Portland, Oregon

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I spent September 17th through the 20th in Tigard, Oregon, a suburb of Portland. My grandmother Elsie lives in Tigard. My father and my brother with his family gathered at grandma’s house for four days. Elsie is 98 years old. She’s having trouble with her vision, but generally is in good health. She detailed her plans to attend her sorority convention when she is 99 and 100 years old.

My father, my brother and his family and I took a day trip to Newport, OR on Saturday the 19th. Grandma used to own a house near there about 30 years ago. We tried to find her old house, since my brother and I enjoyed our visits there when we were children. We think we found the house, but we couldn’t be certain. But we know we were within 20 feet of where her house was, as we walked the street where the house is or was. We also walked down to the beach from the cliff where her house was. The beach was beautiful, and I got some great video of my brother’s kids playing on the beach and wading in the Pacific ocean.

Here is a video of the waterfront in Newport, OR.

Here is a video of the historic Timberline Lodge at the base of Mt. Hood about an hour outside of Portland, OR.

Here is a video of a forest fire on Interstate 5.

Here is a video of my niece and nephew making a souvenir by squishing a penny.

Here is a video of my brother and his family hiking down to the beach near my grandmother’s house she lived in in the 1970s.

Here is a video of my brother and his family playing on the beach of the Pacific ocean in Oregon, right below where my grandmother had her house 30 years ago.

Here is a video of my father and my brother and his family enjoying corndogs at the very same restaurant where my father ate corndogs in the late 1940s.

Written by kevinwarnock

September 19th, 2009 at 6:50 pm

Posted in Family

Watercolor paintings by Kevin Warnock

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Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

Watercolor of heart painted by Kevin Warnock, 2008.

I am a painter.

These 50 paintings are the wedding invitations I painted for my own wedding.

Each envelope contained an original watercolor painting. I scanned them at high resolution before I mailed them.

Click on the paintings to see them at much higher resolution — so high you can see the brush strokes and the texture of the paper.

Written by Kevin Warnock

August 1st, 2008 at 11:00 pm

Posted in Family

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I am moving today from Chicago to Amsterdam

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Gígjökull, an outlet glacier extending from Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland. Photo by Andreas Tille, 2003.

Gígjökull, an outlet glacier extending from Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland. Photo by Andreas Tille, 2003.

[This entry is from my 1976 diary. On August 14, 2011 I posted this to my blog after I added the bracketed language and hyperlinks. I was in 7th grade when I wrote this journal entry. I typed this post as I wrote it, including the mistakes, so you can see how I wrote back then. On March 30, 1976 my immediate family moved from Chicago, Illinois, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands for about four months. I wrote in my diary frequently during that time, and I plan to post all the entries to this blog.]

We got off the ground (runway I mean at 10 minutes to 10pm.

Today is the big day. WE ARE GOING TO HOLLAND. I am writing this diary on the airplane, it’s a DC8! I don’t like it very much because it is so small. We left home at aprox 5:00 o’clock pm and we got on the plane at aprox 9:45pm. Before we got on the plane we had a little bit of food to eat, Andy and I split a hamburger. It wasn’t very much. We are supposed to have dinner on the plane, but that will be at aprox 11:45pm (a little late I think.) Even with taking time out for dinner we still had to wait an hour or so. But mom bought us some snoppy [Snoopy] books so the time went by fast reading those, (I finished more than half)

Well, I think I felt sort of big while I was carrying around all my camera equipment and my camera, I was sort of scared that my camera bag would set off the mettle detector, but, it didn’t.

At the moment I am sitting in the airplane writing (10:30pm) for the lady to bring the soda pop (she’s almost here)

We expect to be in Iceland at 3:15am and get to Holland some time tomorrow.

Written by Kevin Warnock

March 30th, 1976 at 10:00 pm