Archive for June, 2008
Intel Capital CEO Summit June 2-5, 2008 in San Francisco
I attended the 2008 Intel Capital CEO Summit at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco over the last four days. It was a whirlwind of energy and activity, and I really enjoyed myself.
I got to meet and talk with Intel President and CEO Paul Otellini and Intel Capital President Arvind Sodhani.
I also got to meet and talk with musician and entrepreneur MC Hammer, who provided the evening entertainment on one evening. The next day he introduced himself to me while I was getting a glass of water during a session. We talked for about ten minutes. He’s an interesting guy, and is very well spoken. His current company, Dance Jam, is in part funded by Ron Conway, who also invested in my first Internet startup, Ron was at the conference as MC’s guest, and I got to say hi to Ron. I haven’t seen him in a while.

Representative from CheckPoint learns about from Silveroffice, Inc. founder and CEO Kevin Warnock at Intel Capital CEO Summit in June 2008 in San Francisco. Note other matchmaking sessions taking place in the background.
My company Silveroffice, Inc. is an Intel Capital Portfolio Company, which is why I was able to attend this summit. I definitely plan to attend the summit again next year.
The pictures in this post were taken by Intel’s photographer, and I downloaded them from Intel Capital’s website.