Archive for October, 2001
September 11, 2001

United flight 175 hits World Trade Center, September 11, 2001 (photo by Flickr user themachinestops)
I am writing this in my 1967 MCI 5a bus [conversion] in a campground at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was a beautiful day today, and I walked for several miles along the south rim.
A month ago, on September 11th [2001], terrorists hijacked four commercial jetliners. Two were flown into the twin largest towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. One plane hit the Pentagon in Washington, DC. The remaining plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Thousands of people were killed, and the twin towers collapsed. These towers contained 10% of the office space in Manhattan, and were 110 stories each.
These disasters are gripping the world, and the USA has been bombing Afganistan, which the US believes is sheltering Osama bin Laden, the prime suspect.
I did not know anybody who was killed in the attacks.
I decided to visit the Grand Canyon after attending the Bus Conversion Magazine annual convention in Laughlin, Nevada. The Grand Canyon is only a four hour drive from Laughlin, so I decided to visit. I don’t recall being here as a child.
The visibility today was 8 on a scale of 10, according to a ranger I spoke with. I shot some video and took pictures.
I am less lonely on this trip. It helps to be in touch with my cell phone.
I sold almost all of my remaining GoAmerica stock yesterday, retaining just ten shares, as souvenirs.
[This post is from my handwritten journal, October 10, 2001. I posted it to this blog and added the bracketed language on August 13, 2011.]