My third day of school in Amsterdam

Modern Amsterdam canal scene. Photo by Flickr user Tracy Vierra. This photo was taken on September 25, 2006 in Jordaan, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
[This entry is from my 1976 handwritten diary. On November 26, 2011 I posted this to my blog and I added this bracketed language, the photograph and the hyperlinks. I was in 7th grade when I wrote this journal entry. I typed this post as I wrote it, including the mistakes, so you can see how I wrote back then. Keep in mind this is my private diary, and I’m sure I could have written with fewer errors had I known I would be showing it to the world years later. On March 30, 1976 my family moved from Chicago, Illinois, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands for about four months. I wrote in my diary frequently during that time, and I plan to post all the entries to this blog.]
Today was the 3rd day of school. I’mm getting moore used to it I’mm really getting to hate the American girl (Andrea) she is acting like I don’t know anything.
We have gym 2 days a week (monday and wendsday) I have to get a pair of shorts to play in, I have had to borow them
We get out at 12:15 on Wednsday. I like that because we can eat at Home. Mom made our lunch this morning and put it in the refridgerater so all we had to do was take it out and eat it.
Mom and dad are going to regester with the police tomorow at 7:00am. Dad came home from Groninghen today he had gone on monday to work and he came back today.