Archive for March, 1976
Train ride to Brussels, Belgium from the Luxembourg airport
[This entry is from my 1976 diary. On August 20, 2011 I posted this to my blog after I added the bracketed language, the photograph and the hyperlinks. I was in 7th grade when I wrote this journal entry. I typed this post as I wrote it, including the mistakes, so you can see how I wrote back then. On March 30, 1976 my immediate family moved from Chicago, Illinois, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands for about four months. I wrote in my diary frequently during that time, and I plan to post all the entries to this blog.]
We ended the airplane trip today. But before we got to Luxembourg we got off at Iceland, (we stayed about 45 minutes) I bought a small coin collection. It cost me $1.20 and it included six coins, all wraped in a vinal raper. We took a train to Brussels, so I am righting this in a Hotel. It has a strange elevator in it, it dosn’t have sliding doors, like all the others I have scean, but it has a door that opens just like my house door. We went out for dinner, I had half of a roasted chicken, (it was good) Andy had the same.
I liked the airplane ride, and just think, we have to wait about 4 more months before we go back home on one.
I wrote to Michael Ruddat on the airplane I will send it to him tomorrow.
I am moving today from Chicago to Amsterdam

Gígjökull, an outlet glacier extending from Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland. Photo by Andreas Tille, 2003.
[This entry is from my 1976 diary. On August 14, 2011 I posted this to my blog after I added the bracketed language and hyperlinks. I was in 7th grade when I wrote this journal entry. I typed this post as I wrote it, including the mistakes, so you can see how I wrote back then. On March 30, 1976 my immediate family moved from Chicago, Illinois, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands for about four months. I wrote in my diary frequently during that time, and I plan to post all the entries to this blog.]
We got off the ground (runway I mean at 10 minutes to 10pm.
Today is the big day. WE ARE GOING TO HOLLAND. I am writing this diary on the airplane, it’s a DC8! I don’t like it very much because it is so small. We left home at aprox 5:00 o’clock pm and we got on the plane at aprox 9:45pm. Before we got on the plane we had a little bit of food to eat, Andy and I split a hamburger. It wasn’t very much. We are supposed to have dinner on the plane, but that will be at aprox 11:45pm (a little late I think.) Even with taking time out for dinner we still had to wait an hour or so. But mom bought us some snoppy [Snoopy] books so the time went by fast reading those, (I finished more than half)
Well, I think I felt sort of big while I was carrying around all my camera equipment and my camera, I was sort of scared that my camera bag would set off the mettle detector, but, it didn’t.
At the moment I am sitting in the airplane writing (10:30pm) for the lady to bring the soda pop (she’s almost here)
We expect to be in Iceland at 3:15am and get to Holland some time tomorrow.