Kevin Warnock

Entrepreneurship, ideas and more

Cooley LLP law firm 2010 annual review report released

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Cooley 2010 annual review cover

Cooley 2010 annual review cover

I just got an email that noted theĀ Cooley LLP 2010 annual review report is ready for downloading.

I worked at Cooley LLP for about five years, so I looked through the report, marveling at the scope of projects that law firm works on.

I’ve written about Cooley before, so you know I like this firm.

I recommend Cooley to my friends running companies.

When I was looking for a job 3 years out of college, I had never heard of Cooley (then Cooley Godward Castro Huddleson & Tatum). I just got supremely lucky to get hired by such a quality firm.

My advice to new college graduates:

Select your employers carefully since you may remain connected to them forever.

Written by Kevin Warnock

June 28th, 2011 at 2:58 pm

Posted in Work

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