Kevin Warnock

Entrepreneurship, ideas and more

Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve Fire Mitigation Projects

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My house is in the Forest Knolls neighborhood in San Francisco. This area actually contains forest, and the underbrush is very thick – 3 feet deep in areas – making it almost impossible to walk between the trees.

This is a fire danger. For some time I’ve wanted to get my neighbors together to clear out some of the brush. However, this is a huge multiple square block area, so it’s too much for even a group of neighbors working part-time on a weekend.

Thankfully, University of California San Francisco owns a good chunk of this forest land, and they are preparing to do something about the fire danger. UCSF is holding a community meeting on October 19th at the Millberry Union at 500 Parnassus Avenue in San Francisco, at 6:30pm. UCSF has proposed two demonstration projects to reduce the fire danger, and the meeting is being held to discuss the proposals. UCSF is seeking funding through the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

I am going to the meeting, and I invite my neighbors to join me. These trees are beautiful, and there are many homes on this hill, so clearing things out should be a priority.


Written by kevinwarnock

October 9th, 2009 at 12:40 pm

Posted in Home